Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day after day

I'm going to stick with recording the glaring eating failures rather than an exhaustive list of everything that passes my list. My future self can only take so much tedium.

A bottle of beer is as bad as it got yesterday so nothing to report there.

Last night's Spins were fine though I went hard on the first and more controlled on the second where I should really work the other way around. One of the frustrations of Spin is that it takes about half an hour to warm up on a bike so in a 45 minute class you have about 15 minutes during which you can train really hard. I should have used the first class as a warm up but my adrenalin was flowing after my near cop death experience so I failed to restrain myself.

Today Common Law box peering forced me into an early run to work. I knew this was coming so I had left Rosie the racer in the gym last night for the return leg. And it was a good run, though a bit stop starty given that I was moving through early morning traffic and then the centre of town. The first ten minutes were in to a gale on the coast road and pretty unpleasant, but from Fairview I cruised fairly comfortably. Was at a training pace for about 30 minutes all told, we'll call it 4 miles.

Followed this with a good core class and the same spin again, taken fairly handily, with the odd moment of exertion. This pretty ludicrous 24 hours of exercise finished with 10k home on Rosie with the wind at my back but plenty of terrifying gusting moments.

A night off from exercise wil be most welcome.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Basic Spin

I'll do this class three times, twice tonight and once at eleven tomorrow.

Send me an Angel - Paul Oakenfold

Great DJ - The Ting Tings
Ray of Light - Madonna
Summer in The City- Lovin' Spoonful

Children- Robert Miles
Survivalism - Nine Inch Nails
All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem
Why Can't I be You - The Cure
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
Jacques Offenbach - French Cancan

This will again be gentle with opprtunities to fuck ourselves up with climb attacks on Survivalism and the relentless pounding time trial of 'All My Friends'.

In the morning

As planned.

Synergise: T'ai Chi and standard lunges warm up, then Makko Ho, brief lotus position attempt and scissors.

And then the upper body weights. Thought I was only going to get back done but last minute text from Common Law re Data pick up meant I got to do chest too. And because I wasn't rushed I felt the chest went much better.

Don't laugh at my pussy weights, I've only started doing this again recently.

Back, warm up then:

Eccentric pull ups: 8, 6, 5. First set strong as I've ever been , and progessively bollocking as it went. Form and focus on using the bigger muscles in the back the best it's ever been.

Cable Row: 37.5kg 10, 10, 10 . Comfy, dead slow, nice form.

Wide grip Pull Down: 45kg 10, 9, 8. This weight is just too much. Form in shite from second set on

Straight arm pulldown: 15kg 15, 15. This is such a weird exercise. Isolating the lats is a real challenge as is maintaining balance.

Chest: warm up then:

Bench: 40kg 12, 12, 12. Very doable. A little more weight next time.

DB Flye on Bench: 1 set of 12kg, changed down to 10kg as couldn't get the depth. 10, 12, 12

Push ups, feet on Stability ball: 15, 15, 15

Incline Flyes: Wanted to do Cable crossover, this was fine as it was just repping out. 8kg 15, 15, 15

Then a hard bike home loved up as I was.

This all felt wonderful at the time, now though, three hours later, I desperately want to sleep. But like, who doesn't?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A quick vague plan for the coming week

Monday: 20k bike commute, one yoga, one upperbody rt session, two evening spins, both basic.

Tuesday: 20k bike commute, core class, basic spin, afternoon run: 4 miles easy.

Wednesday: Upperbody rt, Midday yoga, Spin intervals, evening yoga

Thursday: 20k bike commute, 7am spin intervals, Afternoon run 4 miles easy, 7pm spin: mountain bike loop (lactate threshold)

Friday: 20k bike commute, Bodypump and Spin. Children's play. Big blog meet up. Serious wrist raising session.

Saturday: Recovery. Oh such recovery.

Sunday: Assuming not dead from blog awards, five mile run. That's a pretty fucking big assumpion.

Ambitious this, particularly Thursday. But if I can manage the run I can teach off the bike in the evening if I have to. Must eat a lot. And regularly. Someone make me do it.

God needs to stop bingeing, even if it is Sunday

All to plan as below, but today's big failing is the eating. My planning is a pile of toss. I had usual egg and toast breakfast at 7.30 and then should have topped up with porridge at 9.30 but did not.

Didn't eat again until 2 and then just a shitty protein bar, which is as close to a fucking Snickers as you can get. And then nothing again until five. Stupid, stupid. Need to bring stuff with me. It's not like there's not loads of fucking fruit in the fridge.

Anyhoo, huge fast lead inevitably to massive feast, kind of. There were horrible M&S pastry bites sitting on the counter when I got in the door so having stuffed the remaining two slices of turkey into my face I topped up with those circles of fat. Ugh. Had a pear too. And a petit filous yoghurt. It too was sitting there, half eaten. So I ate it. If I ate more regularly, I would have more control...

But good steady spin, packed, and good equally packed yoga with a few new faces.

Other eaten stuff: Pasta spinach and mascarpone. Fat tastic.

Should also point out that being back on the booze led to an entire bottle of wine last night, and two beers so far this evening. Do I have a problem? Quite likely. The problem being that I shall be one fat fuck if I keep this up.

More on this back to booze business, and much more interestingly, coming soon on Stranded.

God may have rested, but he still went to the gym

Today will involve an hour long spin and the last of this week's of strength based Synergise classses. That's a made up word that is supposed to signify the synergy between yoga, Pilates and T'ai Chi, but when I teach this bad boy it's pretty much all Yoga.

We'll go with a semi-sun salutation warm-up that moves into a downward dog based routine. Then I'll do crow (check that out, nice party piece that one), lunge and balance and a one legged dog and finish with boat pose to four legged table. Still with me?

Before that though comes spin. Have a track list:

Donna Summer - I feel love

The Boo Radleys - Wake up Boo!
Graham Coxon - Don't let your man know
Ice-T - Midnight

Buggles - Video KIlled the Radio Star
Yomanda -Synth & Strings
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
PF Project - Choose Life
Boney M - Rasputin
Jacques Offenbach - French Cancan

You like? You wanna go now, and have me shout at you because as per fucking usual the mic is not working, don't you?

I like using 'Chosose Life' on a Sunday as it contains the Ewan McGregor monologue from Trainspotting including the lines 'wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning'.

Despite the length it's a pretty gentle class with no intervals or crazy attacking climbs. 'Rasputin', my current favourite song of all time will be the toughest as it's a gradually increasing hill which goes 30 seconds seated, 30 seconds standing for six long minutes. Ra ra!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I ran. Common Law didn't have to leave till 12 so I went out and did a lap of St. Anne's. Four miles that, my future post self-lobotomy self.

And it was fab. Went watchless and very, very easy. Plenty of knee niggle, but
just niggle and more on the quadriceps insertion than under the kneecap or any of that terrifying drift toward the hip.

I listened to NewsQuiz and The Fredcast coverage of the Tour of California. I feared that music would make me go too hard. Thank fuck that Bill (Brother in Law) has lent me his ipod. Carting the laptop around would have been something of a bummer.

Nothing loves me up like running. Not one thing. But I must be restrained and take it super handy for the next few weeks. No more putting myself in situations of inevitable injury. Technically, I could still bang out this year's marathon. Is this a goal? I have yet to decide.

Running fucking rocks.

The day in summary:

Four miles easy pace.

Scramblers, McCambridge's.
Turkey, McCambridge's.
White pasta, Paul Newman's Tomato sauce. Too big a portion. In that I ate mine, seconds and Riker's leftovers.
Bowl of porridge, banana.
More turkey. Straight.
Battered fish, maybe four chips, chicken goujons. We went to Beshoffs. Give me a fucking break.
Bowl of muesli

Weight: (immediately post run) 71.5kg


And what a wonderful start today shall be, in that I will most likely do exactly fuck all exercise.

To be fair to my lazy-assed self, I would love to attempt a return to running this afternoon, what with it being the only spin free day in the coming seven, but with Common Law working and the Bridge Crew still needing to be, sigh, minded, it seems unlikely to happen. Possibly if I tried really hard I could get Mickle to mind Data while Riker plays tennis...just thinking in type here.

Food so far: Standard egg fest, two whites, two whole eggs all scrambled and served on two slice of wholegrain McCambridge's bread. And coffee. Always with the coffee

Making the effort with the water though, in case I do get to run. The constant need to piss brought on by proper hydration is balanced by how much easier it always is if my pee is free and clear. Or just clear.

Isn't this fun? More later.

Friday, February 22, 2008

This is not for you

This is for me.

This is about my exercise. About my diet. About my intake of drugs, both legal and not so legal.

I used to keep a running diary back when I had the runner's purity to call my own. I hope to replace those old scratched up battered tomes with a shiny bleugh which can be ignored throughout the land.

If you thought Stranded on Gaia was a complete fucking snorefest, let me tell you, this shit is going to have you asleep by the end of the first proper post.

Here's what I want to do, though I most likely will not do it:

A weekly plan, with goals and suchlike, published on a Sunday. Or any other day I feel like.

A daily post detailing calorific input and output and general studliness.

The odd being a crazy fit motherfucker anecdote.

That's about the size of it.

Yes, I can see that you want to subscribe.

Well, go on then.