Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day after day

I'm going to stick with recording the glaring eating failures rather than an exhaustive list of everything that passes my list. My future self can only take so much tedium.

A bottle of beer is as bad as it got yesterday so nothing to report there.

Last night's Spins were fine though I went hard on the first and more controlled on the second where I should really work the other way around. One of the frustrations of Spin is that it takes about half an hour to warm up on a bike so in a 45 minute class you have about 15 minutes during which you can train really hard. I should have used the first class as a warm up but my adrenalin was flowing after my near cop death experience so I failed to restrain myself.

Today Common Law box peering forced me into an early run to work. I knew this was coming so I had left Rosie the racer in the gym last night for the return leg. And it was a good run, though a bit stop starty given that I was moving through early morning traffic and then the centre of town. The first ten minutes were in to a gale on the coast road and pretty unpleasant, but from Fairview I cruised fairly comfortably. Was at a training pace for about 30 minutes all told, we'll call it 4 miles.

Followed this with a good core class and the same spin again, taken fairly handily, with the odd moment of exertion. This pretty ludicrous 24 hours of exercise finished with 10k home on Rosie with the wind at my back but plenty of terrifying gusting moments.

A night off from exercise wil be most welcome.


fatmammycat said...

Vindy running and cycling truly is the devil's smegma. I was running on the spot for a while yesterday such were the gusts, I don't even WANT to imagine what it's like on a bike.

Megan McGurk said...

We're off to the gym to suffer.
It's fucking snowing AGAIN.
I'm so over this winter.

Anonymous said...

It's called a model box presentation.