Thursday, April 30, 2009

The wheel what Marcin built

Marcin is my new best Polish friend. Stop pronouncing his name incorrectly. He works in Think Bike in Rathmines and occasionally does my spin. He built Rosie a new wheel. Isn't it lovely? Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it precious? Less than two weeks old!

Me and Marcin, Marcin and me. We went for a leetle climb up Three Rock at the weekend. This lacked any pleasantness on the way up and was testically embeddingly terrifying on the way down. The fastest I went was 51km/h. I am a total, new brake pad needing after every descent, pussy.

But it was all okay because Marcin told me I was 'Strong like horse!'. This still makes my ticker tick a little quicker.



spot fucking on said...

i've just added you blooog to my feeder reader, so fuckin make sure it's worth reading, ok?

rosie is a trek? how very fucking disappointing.

Cycles Goff said...

Oh the pressure.