Sunday, May 3, 2009

Medium is the new long

Long run day. Nine miles. Which is not all that long. But it's the longest in years, yadda yadda yadda. I'm sticking with the park. I need the soft surface. So that gives me eight. Ido a middle one on the road. I would like to know the time I did on that mile but I am clockless.

How does it feel? Easier than yesterday despite being more than double the distance. I'm listening to Bill Bryson's 'A short history of nearly everything'. This should either be funnier or more informative. Should have brought the Plato. I get through these miles. They could be easier, I fail to zone out, but I get through them I do with a reasonable level of comfort. Am I in crash denial? Maybe. Nah. Probably not.

I had two beers later. Shh, don't tell my adipose tissue.


stipes said...

Every runner has a watch!
A vital part of the uniform.
I use a calender these days

Cycles Goff said...

Very good.

I sent Common Law in to get one today. No dice. Or watch.