Friday, February 22, 2008

This is not for you

This is for me.

This is about my exercise. About my diet. About my intake of drugs, both legal and not so legal.

I used to keep a running diary back when I had the runner's purity to call my own. I hope to replace those old scratched up battered tomes with a shiny bleugh which can be ignored throughout the land.

If you thought Stranded on Gaia was a complete fucking snorefest, let me tell you, this shit is going to have you asleep by the end of the first proper post.

Here's what I want to do, though I most likely will not do it:

A weekly plan, with goals and suchlike, published on a Sunday. Or any other day I feel like.

A daily post detailing calorific input and output and general studliness.

The odd being a crazy fit motherfucker anecdote.

That's about the size of it.

Yes, I can see that you want to subscribe.

Well, go on then.


Megan McGurk said...

I'm not subscribing but will add your new blog to my list ASAP, Gimme. Or are you taking on a new name?

Cycles Goff said...

I guess I'll stick with my original ill-conceived moniker, Medbh.

I've got so many names already...